Microblading Pre-care & Aftercare

The Microblading Dos and Don'ts

In Advance...

  • Do not pick, tweeze, wax, or have electrolysis one week prior.

  • Do not use sunbeds or sit in direct sunlight two weeks before.

  • Do not have any type of facial or peel two weeks prior.

  • Stop using any retinol or Vitamin A products one month prior.

  • No exercising on the day.

  • Do not have botox three weeks before.

  • Do not take fish oil or Vitamin E one week prior (these are natural blood thinners).

  • Do not wax or tint your eyebrows three days prior.

On The Day...

  • Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours prior to your appointment.

  • Do not drink coffee 2 hours prior.

  • Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen 24 hours prior.

The Post-Microblading Rules

Days 1-28...

  • DO NOT peel, rub, pick, or scratch the area after your appointment. RULE OF THUMB: Don’t touch your brows while they’re healing!

  • Avoid direct water on your eyebrows for four weeks.

  • DO NOT use any cleaners containing acids or exfoliants for four weeks.

  • Wait 24 hours before cleaning then gently wash your eyebrows by dabbing them with unscented baby wipes every morning and night. Ensure all excess lymph or ointments are cleaned away. This will not remove the pigment. Dab brows when cleaning, do not wipe them.

  • Avoid any forms of hair removal or tinting for two weeks.

  • Avoid direct sunlight and tanning for two weeks.

  • Avoid any excessive sweating or steam for one week.

  • DO NOT wear any makeup on your brows for two weeks.

  • Apply a very small amount of Aquaphor to each brow morning and night. RULE OF THUMB: Use a rice grain size on each brow. Your brows need to be able to breathe under the Aquaphor.

Things to consider once your brows have been microbladed...

  • Use a clean pillowcase and sleep on your back for at least two weeks.

  • No picking!

  • No facials, botox, or peels for four weeks

  • Your brows will get really flakey for two weeks following your appointment. This is normal!

  • Remember, your eyebrows aren't finished until after the second session. Please schedule your retouch six to eight weeks after your initial appointment.


Lip Blush Pre-care & Aftercare